Get help with mathematics from a qualified teacher, in real-time.

Join our interactive, maths tutoring platform and get real-time help from a highly qualified and registered, Australian maths teacher.

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Are you stuck on a maths topic or question?

If you’re in Australia and currently learning a Year 7 to 12 maths subject, we can help you in real-time via our new tutoring platform. We never charge on-going monthly fees or subscriptions. Just pay for what you need, as-you-go.

Types of help
Create an account
Suits most learning styles

Choose the type of help that best suits your individual learning style. Explore our ‘Question bank‘, ‘Student help-desk‘, ‘Solo tutorials‘ and ‘Self-paced workshops‘. Keep an eye out for our live, ‘Revision tutorials’ starting soon.

Flexible & budget-friendly

No hidden fees or monthly costs – just pay for what you need, when you need it. Our help options are either free or available via resource credits or credit card. Parents can buy a credit bundle and transfer credits to their child’s ‘Student account’, as needed.

ACARA / VCAA aligned

Our tutoring methods are aligned with on the key maths topics of the Australian curriculum, as recommended by ACARA – Australian Curriculum – Version 9 and VCAA – ‘Mathematics: Version 2.0‘.

Real-time access

Get help from our qualified and registered maths teacher, in real-time. Ms. B is available throughout the week to assist students with any troublesome questions or topics.

Modern & Innovative

We’re passionate about using digital technology to help students gain confidence and enjoy mathematics. You can access our tutoring platform and resources via most browsers and devices.

Qualified & VIT-registered

Ms. B has over 20 years of teaching experience; is registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT); and holds a ‘Working with Children Check’. She graduated from the ‘University of Melbourne’ in 2000, with degrees in both Mathematics and Secondary teaching (Yr 7 to 12 maths).


Explore the types of help available

We can help Year 7 to 12 secondary maths students with any troublesome maths questions or topics. Our teacher, Ms. B is available online to help students in real-time, throughout the week. Also, keep an eye out for our new live-stream, ‘Revision tutorials’, starting soon.

Quick Start Guide
Get started

Question Bank


Explore our growing collection of free, ‘how-to’ videos (also uploaded to our YouTube channel). They include ‘Step-by-step’ solutions to troublesome maths questions that have been recently asked by students on our platform. Learn more

Student Help-desk


Are you stuck on a maths question? Do you need a teacher to check your working-out? Get quick help in real-time via our exclusive ‘Student help-desk’. Learn more

Solo tutorials


Are you finding a maths topic confusing? Do you need a teacher to guide you through the key concepts, ‘step-by-step’? You can schedule a 30-minute, online tutorial with Ms. B, via our booking calendar. Learn more

Self-paced workshops


Gain access to a self-paced workshop to master a maths topic in your own time. Includes a modern & innovative video & PDF resources and real-time help. Learn more

Need help deciding on which type of help would suit you?

Quick Start Guide


It’s just like having a maths teacher on stand-by. We’re here to help, when you need.

Our aim is to provide high quality, and affordable help for secondary students, with something to suit every budget. We never charge monthly fees or require you to book ongoing sessions. Instead, you can just pay for what you need, when you need.

Get started

Student dashboard

Students have exclusive access to real-time help, via our Student Help-desk, Solo Tutorials, Self-paced workshops, and livestream tutorials.

Resource credits

Parents / guardians can purchase and transfer credits to their child’s ‘Student account’, via the parent portal. Credits are a great way to give your child freedom to get help when needed, without a credit card.

Access pass

Get an ‘Access pass’ to make the most of our ‘Student help-desk’ and ‘Solo tutorials. Select the amount of time that suits you (i.e., a 5-, 15-, 30-, or 60-minutes).
You can also use this ‘purchased time’ all at once, or over a week, month, or term.

Learn more

User profile & notifications

Update your user profile and account details, as needed. Check for notifications from teachers; and browse the general noticeboard about upcoming workshops & live-stream tutorials.

Keep updated about upcoming self-paced workshops & live-stream tutorials.

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