2025 Fees guide

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Current fees

Our tutoring platform provides a range of help options, which are either free or available for purchase via our credit system. Refer to the following table for an overview of the 2025 fees and types of help available.

Quick start guide
Store credits
Type of helpBrief outlineCostMore information
Question bankA growing archive of ‘how-to’ videos, which include ‘easy-to-understand’ solutions of maths questions, asked by students on our platform recently.FreeFind out more details about our Question Bank.
Student Help-deskIf you have a quick maths question, ask a teacher in real-time now. Upload your question(s) to our help-desk, and receive assistance directly from a maths teacher.It costs approx. $5 per maths question (i.e., 1 credit).

Purchase an access pass, with a block of time that suits your needs (i.e., 5-, 15-, 30-, or 60-min duration). More info.
Use your purchased time to access the help-desk whenever you get stuck.
Find out more details about our ‘Student help-desk’.
Solo tutorialsBook a 30-min solo tutorial to get dedicated, real-time help from a maths teacher, via our interactive whiteboard with text/chat options.1 x 30-min solo tutorial costs $30 (i.e., 6 credits).

Purchase an access pass with a 30-minute block of time. Then book your preferred time/date via our booking calendar.
Find out more details about our solo tutorials.
Self-paced workshopsOur self-paced, maths workshops are a great way to master a maths topic in your own time. Includes:
– access to modern, innovative and comprehensive resources.
-’10-min Access pass’ to the ‘Student help-desk’.
-Available for 12-months from your purchase date.
1 x Workshop = $35 (i.e., 7 credits)Keep update about any upcoming workshops for your maths subject by creating a free account. Get started now.

Find out more details about our workshops.
Live-stream tutorialsJoin one of our upcoming, live maths tutorials. Throughout the year, Ms. B will be delivering 30-min to 1-hour sessions about a range of Year 7 to 12 maths topicsTickets start from $15, depending on duration/topic etc. (i.e., starting from 3 credits)You’ll be able to book your spot via our Resource hub. More details will be available soon. If you have a topic you’d like us to cover, please get in touch via live chat or email.