Current workshops
If you’ve purchased a ticket to join a workshop, you can access the related resources and study pod via the following link(s). Please select your current maths subject below:
Workshop 1.2: Basic classes of functions

If you’ve purchased a ticket to join a workshop, you can access the related resources and study pod via the following link(s). Please select your current maths subject below:
Workshop 1.2: Basic classes of functions
The following resources are available for you to download:
Student Help-desk:
The following info provides a rough guideline of how many questions or solo tutorials can typically be covered with an ‘Access pass’ with either 15- 30- or 60-mins duration:
Please note: It depends on your own learning style; the level of difficulty involved; size of maths question; etc.
Our friendly support team are available throughout the week to assist with any queries or feedback. We try to reply within 15 to 30 mins, during our open hours (11 am – 7 pm).
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