MM34 Workshop 1.1 – Review of Functions

MM34 Workshop 1.1 – Review of Functions
Self-paced workshops are a great way to learn a maths topic at home. It enables students to take control of their learning, yet still have access to a maths teacher available, if needed.

This workshop is best-suited for students enrolled in Maths Methods (Units 3 & 4), who would like to refresh their understanding of the topic, ‘Functions’, previously studied in Maths Methods (Units 1 & 2). It can be helpful to review this topic, prior to starting Calculus.

The key areas covered in this workshop include:

  • Use functional notation to evaluate a function
  • Determine the domain and range of a function
  • Draw the graph of a function
  • Find the zeros of a function
  • Recognise a function from a table of values
  • Make new functions from two or more given functions
  • Describe the symmetry properties of a function.


Key details:

Topic – Review of Functions (Functions & Graphs – Pre-calculus)

Resources included:
Modern & comprehensive resources, including:

  1. Step-by-step guide / Student instructions
  2. Self-paced maths tutorial/presentation (Includes both video & PDF slides)
  3. Maths workbook & answers
  4. Study notes (Includes key concepts, terms & equations)
  5. Revision exercises & answers
  6. Self-checklist.

Workshop fees:
$30 per workshop (or six (6) store credits). Find out more about our ‘store credits‘, and how to use them.

Teacher availability:
Students receive a free 10-minute ‘Access pass when joining a self-paced workshop. This provides students with access to the ‘Student help-desk’, where they can ask a qualified & VIT-registered Maths teacher for help.

Please note: 30-minute solo tutorials are also available for students. You’ll just need to add a few credits onto your access pass to gain access to the booking system.

Workshop duration:
Students have unlimited access to the online resources for two (2) years, starting from date of purchase.

Additional info: 

  • Learn more about the maths topic, ‘Functions & graphs‘, and its related sub-topics.
  • Upon purchase, you’ll be able to download the Student instructions, which contains an ‘Access link’ to the resources.
  • Find out about how our workshops work, in general.
  • Unfortunately, refunds aren’t available for this product, as it is a downloadable bundle.