Key features
Our workshops cover a range of maths topics, related to Year 7 to 12 maths. Students can master a topic in their own time at home, with a maths teacher on stand-by, if needed.
Create a free account to receive updates about upcoming workshops.
Who can join a workshop?
Australian secondary students (studying maths via either home-school or school-based) can join a self-paced workshop at any time.
What’s included?
Students gain access to an interactive, ‘Step-by-step’ guide and Workshop toolkit, which includes:
What if I get stuck?
Students receive a free ’15-min Access pass’. This can be used to access to a maths teacher in real-time, via the ‘Student help-desk’. whenever stuck on a question.
How long can I access the workshop resources?
Students can continue to have access to the workshop resources for 2 years (starting from date of purchase). We provide a ‘Workshop schedule’, as a suggestion of how to work through the material, over a 3 week duration. However, its entirely up to you. You can start/stop as often as you need.
Who will be available to help me?
If you get stuck, while working through the maths workbook or revision questions, you can ask our teacher, Ms. B, for help via the ‘Student help-desk‘. She is an experienced, Australian secondary maths teacher, who graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2000, with both a B.Sc (Mathematics) and Post-grad Diploma of Education (Secondary Maths – Year 7 to 12).
Ms. B. is also registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT), and holds a current ‘Working with Children’s check’.
Take a look inside one of our typical workshops
We’ve taken a snapshot of a typical, self-paced workshop, so you can see what’s included and how it works.
Do you want to join a workshop? Here’s how to get started:
Please complete the following steps. If you’re not sure, please get in touch with our friendly, support team.
Create an account
Join our tutoring platform by creating a free account. Simply complete the ‘Registration form’ to get started.
Enrol in workshop
You can gain access to your preferred workshop via the ‘Resource hub’. Payment can be made via our credit system, or Stripe payment gateway, using credit card, Apple pay or Google pay.
Your parent / guardian can buy a credit bundle and then transfer them to your account, as needed.
Join workshop
Upon payment, you’ll be able to download the ‘Student instructions’, which will provide you with a link to the self-paced workshop. You can also access the workshop via your student dashboard.
Get started
Make a start by reading the ‘Student instructions’ and following the ‘Step-by-step’ guide.
If you have any technical issues please get in touch with us via live chat or email.