Year 7 to 12 maths subjects
Our help-desk is available for Australian secondary maths students (Year 7 to 12), who are learning maths via home learning, or at school. Simply upload your maths question (and ‘working-out’ ‘attempts, if any), and we’ll show you how to solve them with an ‘easy-to-understand’ step-by-step process.
Get quick help, in real-time
Our help-desk is ideal for those moments when you’ve got a quick question that’s holding you back from moving on to the next task. For example, those times when you’ve completed your ‘working-out’, but have ended up with the wrong answer. Or when you’re stuck on a tricky question, and just need a teacher to point you in the right direction.
We provide students with real-time help via text-chat and an interactive whiteboard.
If you’re stuck on a few questions (or the whole maths topic), we recommend that you book a ‘30-min Solo tutorial‘ instead. Learn more
Just pay for time used
Buy an ‘Access pass‘ to gain access to the help-desk. You can select a specific amount of time (i.e., 5 -, 15 -, 30-min, or 1 hour). Then, upload your maths question(s) via the student dashboard. We’ll deduct the time used from your remaining balance, as you go. You can use your ‘Access pass’ all within one day or over a longer duration.
Highly-qualified maths teacher
Get help with your maths question from Ms. B, an Australian qualified maths teacher. Ms B is registered with the Victorian Institute of Teaching [VIT] and holds a current ‘Working with Children’ check.
Ms. B is available to assist students throughout the school year.
Response times
We try to ensure all questions submitted prior to 12 pm are answered on the same day. If it is busy (i.e., during exam time), some questions uploaded after 12 pm may be delayed until the following day.
It’s easy to get started with our ‘Student help-desk’, via the following steps:
Create an account
Join our tutoring platform by creating a free account to access the ‘Student help-desk’. Your parent / guardian can also create an account to buy / transfer credits to you, via the parent portal.
Buy a credit bundle
Parents can purchase store credits, and then transfer them to your ‘Student account’, via their parent portal.
Get an ‘Access pass’
Buy an ‘Access pass’, using your store credits. Choose your preferred time-block (i.e., 5-, 15-, 30-, or 60-minutes), This time can be used within one day, or spread it out over a few weeks, months, or year. It all depends on the number of questions, and the amount of help you need.
Upload your question
Upload your maths question(s) via the ‘Student help-desk’. Ms. B will notify you via your ‘Student dashboard’ when your question is next in the queue.